
Snitches don't get stitches

MyAnimeList represents an inclusive community that welcomes all identities and keeps contreversial discussion to a bare minimum. It is vital that users forward concerns and rule violations to moderators.

Every user who posts on the MyAnimeList server is automatically assumed to have read the rules. Please make sure you are familiar with them and know the proper steps to take in the event of a ban.

Definitions to live-chatting rules such as spam, trolling, abuse, NSFW can be found in the Site & Forum Guidelines.

For more information, please rude the #rules channel in the Discord server.

Reporting Incidents

Please report incidents and/or rule violations by using the /report command. You can use this command anonymously in any channel.

Here's how you are supposed to use it.

The last parameter, user, is optional. You don't need to specify it if there is no one specific user you wish to report.

Last updated